Saturday, January 15, 2011

Bukit Gasing - Trip Report

This is really a fantastic start for our training season. Everyone arrived early and all geared up.

Ming, Mien, Henry, Lim, Peter, Sow Keng & Goh

After a brief round of introduction, we started at 8:30am on the dot.
Initially of course there were a lot of conversation about Kampung Adidas, Mt K, etc etc. But soon after we hit the first hill, everyone instinctly focused on the steps and all conversation ceased.

Obviously a walk in the park for some

Mien.. still going strong....

Henry.. proudly showing off his Kampung Adidas

We set a target of reaching the hanging bridge in 45 min.. and we did it ! With about 4 mins to spare.  On the way back, we were a bit more adventurous and took the opportunity to explore a slightly longer trail. Seasoned hikers Goh and Sow Keng even went for a Second Round !!  For the rest of us.. 2nd round was a Raju Restaurant.

On the technical side of the Journey, we have roughly trekked a total distance of about 3.4 km. and had ascended a few hills of about 50meter to 60 meters elevation gain.

For hiking, it is important to have an idea of how it feels like to hike a vertical gain of 100 meters. With this knowledge, during future hiking trips, we will then be able to gauge how long it will take us to reach the next rest area/check point, and hence pace ourselve correctly.

Below is the elevation profile of Gasing Trail(the trail we used going in) , which I recorded a last year using a handheld GPS.

I have indicated on the profile the location of the Hanging Bridge.


1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Saw your Blog while collecting materials for Signages at Forest Parks.

    Appreciate if you could spare some time on this Survey. Thanks for your help!
